Unexpected medical bills can be a huge financial burden, especially if you are not prepared for them. Thankfully, many assistance programs are available to help people pay their medical bills. This blog post will discuss how to qualify for assistance and what to do if you are having trouble paying your hospital bills. We will…
Suppose you are like most people; you dream of owning your home one day. But did you know that the average American renter spends over $200,000 on rent in their lifetime? That's a lot of money! The good news is that there are ways to save for a down payment on a house even if…
In today's economy, it can be tough to make ends meet. If you're looking for a way to make some extra money, you may want to consider starting a side hustle. A side hustle is a job or project that you do in addition to your regular job. It can be anything from freelancing work…
You may consider hiring a debt manager if you feel overwhelmed by your debts. This is a big decision, and it's important to understand what debt managers do and whether or not they are the right solution for you.
What is a debt manager?
A debt manager is a professional who helps people get out…
Cars are expensive. Even if you buy a used car, routine maintenance expenses still come with owning a vehicle. One way to minimize these costs is to regularly perform essential car maintenance tasks. This blog post will discuss five simple things you can do to maintain your car and keep it running smoothly. While this…
As economists predict a looming recession, a new Bankrate survey shows that Gen Z-ers may be the least prepared. While older Americans are preparing for the potential of a downturn, two in five people in Gen Z say they haven't taken any steps to get their finances in order. Forty percent say they're not at…
There are a lot of different ways to get fit and stay healthy. You can go to the gym, use free apps, or find dietary help online. However, with so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. This blog post will discuss some of the best free fitness resources available online…
Laptops are a necessary piece of technology for many people. They can be used for work, school, or simply browsing the internet. If you need a new laptop, it's important to know when is the best time to buy one and where to find the best deals. In this blog post, we will give you…
The W.I.C. Card is a vital resource for low-income families and pregnant women. If you are wondering if you qualify or what to do with your card, read on! We will answer all of your questions about the W.I.C. program.
What is W.I.C
The W.I.C. program is a federally funded nutrition program that provides healthy…
According to a study from Northwestern Mutual in 2020, 71% of Americans admit they need to improve their financial planning. This is understandable because many people are worried they're not saving enough for retirement.
We can't guarantee that working with a financial advisor will translate to guaranteed returns, but the research does suggest significant benefits.…